Teachers and Students of Our Architecture School Participated in the Final Defense of the 2019 3+1 Joint Graduation Design of the Second Silk Road Professional Teaching Alliance for Urban and Rural Planning

Date:2019-06-01            Number of clicks:779

On the morning of May 29, 2019, 2019 3+1 Joint Graduation Design of the Second Silk Road Professional Teaching Alliance, jointly held by Chang'an University, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology and Northwest University, also co-organized by Xi'an Urban Planning and Design Research Institute, held its final defense at our Architecture School, west campus of Chang'an University. The defense expert members include Bai Juan and Tian Tao, deputy directors of Xi'an Urban Planning and Design Research Institute, professor Quan Dongji of northwest university, associate professor Bai Ning and Di Wei of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, and Yu Kanhua, associate professor of Chang'an University. Under the guidance of associate professor Jing Xiaopeng and Lin Gaorui, teacher Tan Jingbin and Li Lan, 18 undergraduate students of our school completed the related achievements of the Joint Graduation Project and participated in the defense activity.


The 2019 3+1 Joint Graduation Project is sponsored by the Architecture School of Chang'an University. A total of 10 professional teachers and 54 undergraduates from Chang'an University, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology and Northwest University participated in the project. The design topic is Big Event Driven Urban Innovation Development - Concept Planning and Design of Surrounding Area of Xi'an Sports Center. This topic is mainly focusing on major events to the urban development, especially for the profound influence of the new district. Based on the overall concept planning and design of the region and the important node of city design, schemes should further optimize the urban structure, improve the vitality of the city, and meet the requirements of national games and higher specifications international events, even the future area development and transformation.


The joint graduation ceremony and preliminary investigation were held in Chang'an University, the preliminary results were reported in Northwest University, the mid-term design defense was conducted in Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, and the final results were conducted in Chang'an University.

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